huigezrx 19级 2015-01-21 19:34:18
Role: CATSettingRepositories manage aggregates of setting attributes that are used to store and retrieve values and parameters set by the user. They are stored between working sessions in one setting file.
Each CATSettingRepository has a unique name used by the application to access it. Each attribute within one CATSettingRepository is identified by its name and type.
Setting attributes can store the values of simple types such as integers or floats. In addition, a marshallable object should be saved as a setting attribute with less or no impact on the application.
A CATSettingRepository instance can be saved in memory for temporary storage using a commit/rollback mechanism, and in a file for persistent storage.
public long Commit( int iNoEvent=0)
Makes a persistent copy of the CATsettingRepository in Memory.
Role: Makes a persistent copy of the CATsettingRepository in Memory
The values of the attributes could be restore after that by doing a call to Rollback.
In order to emit the commit event
Legal values: 0 to emit the
event (the default) and 1 for no emission
Legal values 1 on Success, otherwise -1.
public static CATSettingRepository* GetRepository(const char* iRepositoryName, int iMode =0, AccessType iType=Prj,
CATISysSettingController* iCtrl=0)
Creates a CATSettingRepository.
Role: Creates the unique instance
of the class CATSettingRepository named with the given argument. If a setting
file exists, it is read.
Lifecycle rules deviation: The Applications
must not call release on the returned pointer.
The name of the CATSettingRepository used by the applications to retrieve it.
Reserved for internal use. Must always be set to 0. Legal values: The length of the string must be less than or equal to MAXSETTINGNAME.
Defines the type of the setting.
pointer to the controler Interfaces.
public long ReadSetting(const char* iSettingName, CATString* ioSetting)
Retrieves the value of a setting attribute.
Role: Retrieves using
its name, the value of an attribute constituted by one CATString. A pointer on a
intialized and constructed object of type CATString must be given as argument,
because this object is used to set the default value of the attribute, if it
does not yet exist. In this last case the method calls WriteSetting () to
initialize the settings attribute.
The name of the attribute to be set.
Legal values: The length of
the string must be less than or equal to MAXSETTINGNAME.
A pointer on a construted CATString. If the attribute has not been yet created, then ioSetting is used as default values, otherwise ioSetting is overwritten by the retrieved value.
Legal values:
1 : on Success
0 : if a class
conflict on the attribute has occured.
-1: on failure
public long WriteSetting(const char* iSettingName, CATString* iSetting,
int iFlag =0)
Sets the value of a setting attribute.
Role: Sets the value of an
attribute of type CATString
The name of the attribute to be set.
Legal values: The length of
the string must be less than or equal to MAXSETTINGNAME.
pointer on a constructed CATString.
reserved for internal use. do not use other values than the default one.
Legal values:
1 : on Success
0 : if a class
conflict on the attribute has occured.
-1: on failure