
2014-08-14 20:53:37|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网


The vertical scale of the timeline is managed automatically and will attempt to fill the vertical space of the window. Note that to get more detail in say the CPU Usage area you can remove the Memory and Rendering areas. Also, the splitter between the timeline and the statistics area can be selected and dragged downward to increase the screen area used for the timeline chart.


The timeline consists of several areas: CPU Usage, Rendering and Memory. These areas can be removed by clicking the close button in the panel, and re-added again using the Add Area drop down in the Profile Controls bar.


CPU Usage Area  CPU利用率


The CPU Usage area displays where time is spent in your game. When it is selected, the lower pane displays hierarchical time data for the selected frame.


  • Hierarchy mode - displays hierarchical time data.  层次模式—显示层次时间数据
  • Group Hierarchy mode - groups time data into logical groups (Rendering, Physics, Scripts etc.).
  • 层次群模式—逻辑组里的群时间数据(渲染、物理、脚本等)。

Because children of any group can be in different group (e.g. some script might call rendering functions), the percentages of group times often add up to more than 100%. (This is not a bug.)


The way the CPU chart is stacked can be reordered by simply dragging chart labels up & down.


When an item it selected in the lower pane, it's contribution to the CPU chart is highlighted (and the rest are dimmed). Clicking on an item again de-selects it.


Shader.SetPass is selected and it's contribution is highlighted in the chart.


In the hierarchical time data the self time refers to the amount of time spent in a particular function not including the time spent calling sub-functions. In the screenshot above, for example 51.2% of time is spent in the Camera.Render function. This function does a lot of work and calls the various drawing and culling functions. Excluding all these functions only 0.8% of time is spent actually in the Camera.Render function.


Rendering Area 渲染区域


The Rendering area displays rendering statistics. The Number of Draw Calls, Triangles and Vertices rendered is displayed graphical in the timeline. The Lower pane displays more rendering statistics and these more closely match the ones shown in the GameView Rendering Statistics window.


Memory Area 内存区域


The Memory area displays some memory usage data:  内存区域显示内存使用的一些数据:

Total Allocated is the total RAM used by the application. Note that in the Unity Editor this is memory used by everything in the editor; game builds will use much less.


Texture Memory is the about of video memory used by the textures in the current frame.


Object Count is the total number of Objects that are created. If this number rises over time then it means your game is creating some objects that are never destroyed.


See Also参见

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