2014-08-14 19:47:13|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论
关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网
Any of these options can be achieved with a single call to Instantiate(), you just have to hook it up to the right prefab and you're set!
The important part to remember is that the wreck which you Instantiate() can be made of completely different objects than the original. For example, if you have an airplane, you would model two versions. One where the plane consists of a single GameObject with Mesh Renderer and scripts for airplane physics. By keeping the model in just one GameObject, your game will run faster since you will be able to make the model with less triangles and since it consists of fewer objects it will render faster than using many small parts. Also while your plane is happily flying around there is no reason to have it in separate parts.
To build a wrecked airplane Prefab, the typical steps are:
添加碰撞器盒到所有选取的部分和选择Component->Physics->Box Collider
var wreck : GameObject; // As an example, we turn the game object into a wreck after 3 seconds automatically function Start () { yield WaitForSeconds(3); KillSelf(); } // Calls the fire method when holding down ctrl or mouse function KillSelf () { // Instantiate the wreck game object at the same position we are at var wreckClone = Instantiate(wreck, transform.position, transform.rotation); // Sometimes we need to carry over some variables from this object // to the wreck wreckClone.GetComponent(MyScript).someVariable = GetComponent(MyScript).someVariable; // Kill ourselves Destroy(gameObject); }
The First Person Shooter tutorial explains how to replace a character with a ragdoll version and also synchronize limbs with the last state of the animation. You can find that tutorial on the Tutorials page.