2014-08-05 14:13:38|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论
关键词:C/C++, CAA, CATIA|来源:唯设编程网
CAA制图模型概述(Drafting Modeler Overview)介绍了CAA开发关于工程制图的一些基本概念,本文是一个CAA创建工程图的实例,该实例介绍如何在工程图文件中创建图纸(sheets)和交互视图(interactive views)。程序首先创建一个构成工程图的基本制图结构,一张图(sheet)和两个视图(这些视图没有在图中显示)。然后在第二张图中创建额外的视图。最终实现的效果如下:
int main(int iArgc, // Number of arguments (1) char** iArgv) // Path to the new *.CATDrawing document { // Checks arguments if(2 != iArgc) return 1; const char *fileName = iArgv[1]; // 1.Creating and Initializing the Document // =============================== // Creates a session CATSession *pSampleSession = NULL; HRESULT hr = ::CATIDftDocumentServices("SampleSession",pSampleSession); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; CATDocument* pDoc = NULL; hr = CATDocumentServices::New("CATDrawing", pDoc); if (FAILED(hr) || !pDoc) { ::Delete_Session("SampleSession"); return 2; }
// Gets the drawing feature and drawing container CATIDftDrawing *piDftDrawing = NULL; CATIDftDocumentServices *piDftDocServices = NULL; CATIContainer_var spDrwCont; if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftDocumentServices, (void **)&piDftDocServices))) { if (SUCCEEDED(piDftDocServices->GetDrawing(IID_CATIDftDrawing, (void **)&piDftDrawing))) { if (piDftDrawing) { // Gets the drawing container CATISpecObject *piSpecObj=NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(piDftDrawing->QueryInterface(IID_CATISpecObject,(void **)&piSpecObj))) { spDrwCont = piSpecObj->GetFeatContainer(); piSpecObj->Release(); piSpecObj=NULL; } } } piDftDocServices->Release(); piDftDocServices=NULL; }
工程图文档的根节点特征(root feature)是Drawing,这个特征实现了CATIDrawing接口。我们可以使用CATIDftDocumentServices接口获取指向CATIDrawing的指针,CADIDftDocumentServices接口由文档(document)实现。GetDrawing方法的第一个参数是你想要从工程图(drawing)上面获取的接口ID。
// Gets standard manager from the drawing container. CATIDftStandardManager *piStdmgr = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(spDrwCont->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftStandardManager,(void**)&piStdmgr))) { // Finds a standard in the list of allowed standards (ie. the list //of xml files in the resources/standard/drafting directory) CATIStringList *piListstd = NULL; if ( SUCCEEDED(piStdmgr->GetAvailableStandards(&piListstd)) && piListstd ) { unsigned int nbrstd = 0; piListstd->Count(&nbrstd); for (unsigned int indice = 0; indice < nbrstd; indice ++) { wchar_t *wstd = NULL; if ( SUCCEEDED ( piListstd->Item ( indice, &wstd ) ) && wstd ) { const CATUnicodeString ANSI_UncS = "ANSI"; CATUnicodeString stdname; stdname.BuildFromWChar(wstd); if ( stdname == ANSI_UncS ) { // Import the ANSI standard in the document piStdmgr->ImportStandard (wstd); break; } } if (wstd) {delete[] wstd; wstd = NULL;} } piListstd->Release(); piListstd=NULL; } piStdmgr->Release (); piStdmgr=NULL; }