Unity3D基础教程2-1: 游戏对象/物体(GameObjects)

2014-08-06 07:39:11|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网


The Transform Component 变换组件

The Transform Component is one of the most important Components. It defines the GameObject's position, rotation, and scale in the game world/Scene View. If a GameObject did not have a Transform Component, it would be nothing more than some information in the computer's memory. It effectively would not exist in the world. The Transform Component also enables a concept called Parenting, which is utilized through the Unity Editor and is a critical part of working with GameObjects. If you would like to learn more about the Transform Component and Parenting, please read the Transform Component Reference page.


The GameObject-Script Relationship 游戏物体(对象)-脚本关系

When you create a script and and attach it to a GameObject, the script appears in the GameObject's Inspector just like a Component. This is because scripts become Components when they are saved. In technical terms, a script compiles as a type of Component, and is treated like any other Component by the Unity engine.


Any public variables you declare in your script will appear editable or linkable in the Inspector of their GameObject. When you are writing a script, you can directly access any member of the GameObject class. You can see a list of all the GameObject class members here. If any of the indicated classes are attached to the GameObject as a Component, you can access that Component directly through the script by simply typing the member name. For example, typing transform is equivalent to gameObject.transform. The gameObject is assumed by the compiler, unless you specifically reference a different GameObject.


Typing this will be accessing the script Component that you are writing. Typing this.gameObject is referring to the GameObject that the script is attached to. You can access the same GameObject by simply typing gameObject. Logically, typing this.transform is the same as typing transform. If you want to access a Component that is not included as a GameObject member, you have to use gameObject.GetComponent() which is explained on the next page.


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Unity3D基础教程2-1: 游戏对象/物体(GameObjects)