
2014-08-08 18:13:22|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网

Unity Manual > User Guide > Building Scenes > Cameras


Just as cameras are used in films to display the story to the audience, Cameras in Unity are used to display the game world to the player. You will always have at least one camera in a scene, but you can have more than one. Multiple cameras can give you a two-player splitscreen or create advanced custom effects. You can animate cameras, or control them with physics. Practically anything you can imagine is possible with cameras, and you can use typical or unique cameras to fit your game's style.


The remaining text is from the Camera Component reference page.


Camera 摄像机

Cameras are the devices that capture and display the world to the player. By customizing and manipulating cameras, you can make the presentation of your game truly unique. You can have an unlimited number of cameras in a scene. They can be set to render in any order, at any place on the screen, or only certain parts of the screen.



Unity's flexible Camera object  Unity的灵活的设计摄像机对象。  

Properties 属性

Clear Flags


Determines which parts of the screen will be cleared. This is handy when using multiple Cameras to draw different game elements.


Background color


Color applied to the remaining screen after all elements in view have been drawn and there is no skybox.


Normalized View Port Rect


Four values that indicate where on the screen this camera view will be drawn, in Screen Coordinates (values 0-1).

四个值在屏幕上指定哪里,摄像机视图将被绘制,在场景里相配(值 0-1)


The beginning horizontal position that the camera view will be drawn.



The beginning vertical position that the camera view will be drawn.


Width 宽度

Width of the camera output on the screen.摄像机输出到屏幕上的宽度

Height 高度

Height of the camera output on the screen.摄像机输出到屏幕上高度

Near clip plane近剪辑平面

The closest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.


Far clip plane 远剪辑平面

The furthest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.


Field of view 视界

Width of the Camera's view angle, measured in degrees along the local Y axis.摄像机视角的宽度,沿本地y轴度量。

Orthographic 正交投影

Toggles the camera's capability to simulate perspective.切换摄像机的性能去模拟远景

Orthographic size 正交投影大小

The viewport size of the Camera when it is Orthographic.


Depth 深度

The camera's position in the draw order. Cameras with a higher depth will be drawn on top of cameras with a lower depth value.


Culling Mask 剔除面具

Include or omit layers of objects to be rendered by the Camera. Assign layers to your objects in the Inspector.

通过摄像机渲染包含或剔除对象的层。 在检视器里指定层到你的对象。

Render Target (Unity Pro only) 渲染目标(Unity专业版仅有)

Reference to a Render Texture that will contain the output of the Camera view. Making this reference will disable this Camera's capability to render to the screen.


Details 详细资料

Cameras are essential for displaying your game to the player. They can be customized, scripted, or parented to achieve just about any kind of effect imaginable. For a puzzle game, you might keep the Camera static for a full view of the puzzle. For a first-person shooter, you would parent the Camera to the player character, and place it at the character's eye level. For a racing game, you'd likely want to have the Camera follow your player's vehicle.


You can create multiple Cameras and assign each one to a different Depth. Cameras are drawn from low Depth to high Depth. In other words, a Camera with a Depth of 2 will be drawn on top of a Camera with a depth of 1. You can adjust the values of the Normalized View Port Rectangle property to resize and position the Camera's view onscreen. This can create multiple mini-views like missile cams, map views, rear-view mirrors, etc.


Clear Flags 清除标志

Each Camera stores color and depth information when it renders its view. The portions of the screen that are not drawn in are empty, and will display the skybox by default. When you are using multiple Cameras, each one stores its own color and depth information in buffers, accumulating more data as each Camera renders. As any particular Camera in your scene renders its view, you can set the Clear Flags to clear different collections of the buffer information. This is done by choosing one of the four options:

当摄像机渲染它的视图时,每个摄像机存储颜色和深度信息。 屏幕的一部分是不绘制是空的,将默认被显示为天空。当你使用多个摄像机,每个摄像机存储它自己颜色和深度信息在缓存里、积累多的数据做个每个摄像机渲染。做为任一特殊的摄像机在你的场景里渲染它自己的视图,你可以设置清除标志去清除不同缓存信息的集合。这样做通过四个选项之一:

Skybox 天空盒

This is the default setting. Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera's skybox. If the current Camera has no skybox set, it will default to the skybox chosen in the Render Settings (found in Edit->Render Settings). It will then fall back to the Background Color.

这是默认设置。任何场景的空白部分将先显示当前摄像机的天空盒。如果当前摄像机没有天空盒设置,它将默认为在渲染设置里(在Edit->Render Settings里找到)选择的天空盒。此后,它将回退到背景颜色。

Solid Color 纯色

Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera's Background Color.


Depth Only 独立深度

If you wanted to draw a player's gun without letting it get clipped inside the environment, you would set one Camera at Depth 0 to draw the environment, and another Camera at Depth 1 to draw the weapon alone. The weapon Camera's Clear Flags should be set to to depth only. This will keep the graphical display of the environment on the screen, but discard all information about where each object exists in 3-D space. When the gun is drawn, the opaque parts will completely cover anything drawn, regardless of how close the gun is to the wall.

如果你想去绘制一个玩家的枪 没有让它获得环境内侧剪辑,你应该设置摄像机在深度0绘制环境,其它摄相象在深度1绘制独立武器。武器摄像机的清除标志应该被设置为唯一深度。这将保持屏幕上环境图片显示,但是丢弃所有有关的每个对象存在于3D空间的地点信息。当枪被绘制时,不透明部分将完全覆盖任何事物绘制,不管抢是如何接近墙。

The gun is drawn last, after clearing the depth buffer of the cameras before it


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