
2014-09-04 18:58:22|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:游戏, 虚拟现实, Unity3D|来源:唯设编程网

Unity Manual > Advanced > Reducing File Size


Unity post-processes all imported assets 


Unity always post-processes imported files, thus storing a file as a multi-layered psd file instead of a jpg will make absolutely zero difference in the size of the player you will deploy. Save your files in the format you are working with (eg. .mb files, .psd files, .tiff files) to make your life easier.

Unity始终后处理导入的文件,因此存储一个文件作为一个多层次的psd文件代替一个jpg文件将绝对零差别在你部署的播放器大小里。保存你文件在正在使用(例如.MB 、.PSD.、TIFF格式文件)格式使你的生活更轻松。

Unity strips out unused assets Unity输出不使用的资产

The amount of assets in your project folder does not influence the size of your built player. Unity is very smart about detecting which assets are used in your game and which are not. Unity follows all references to assets before building a game and generates a list of assets that need to be included in the game. Thus you can safely keep unused assets in your project folder.


Unity prints an overview of the used file size  Unity打印出使用文件大小的概述

After Unity has completed building a player, it prints an overview of what type of asset took up the most file size, and it prints which assets were included in the build.


To see it just open the editor console log: Open Editor Log button in the Console window (Window -> Console).

去查看它只需打开编辑器控制日志:打开编辑器日志按钮在控制台窗口里(Window -> Console)。


An overview of what took up space 一个携带什么空间的概述

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