
2014-08-11 21:11:36|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网


To be more specific, a Shader defines: 一个阴影不同的更多细节:

◆  The method to render an object. This includes using different methods depending on the graphics card of the end user.


◆  Any vertex and fragment programs used to render. 任意顶点与分段程序被用于渲染。

◆  Some texture properties that are assignable within Materials. 一些纹理属在材料内部是可指定的。

◆  Color and number settings that are assignable within Materials. 颜色与数量设置在材料内部是可指定的。

A Material defines: 材料定义:

◆  Which textures to use for rendering.  哪个纹理用于渲染。

◆  Which colors to use for rendering. 哪个颜色用于渲染。

◆  Any other assets, such as a Cubemap that is required by the shader for rendering.

◆  任何其它资产,诸如一个立方体映射是需要通过阴影渲染的。

Shaders are meant to be written by graphics programmers. They are created using the ShaderLab language, which is quite simple. However, getting a shader to work well on a variety graphics cards is an involved job and requires a fairly comprehensive knowledge of how graphics cards work.


A number of shaders are built into Unity directly, and some more come in the Standard Assets Library. If you like, there is plenty more shader information in the Built-in Shader Guide.


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