
2014-08-24 14:05:17|?次阅读|上传:huigezrx【已有?条评论】发表评论

关键词:Unity3D, 游戏, 虚拟现实|来源:唯设编程网

If on the other hand we set shadow distance too high, shadows won't look good at all. Setting distance to 100 here only decreases both performance and quality and does not make much sense - no objects in the scene are further than about 50 meters anyway!   如果在另一方面,我们设置阴影距离过高,阴影根本不会好看。这里设置距离只有100,既降低性能和质量而没有太大意义-在场景里无路如何没有对象进一步超过50米!


Hard shadows with distance of 100 and no cascades. Ouch!  100距离的硬阴影和没有级联。唉哟!

Shadow maps with cascades scale with distance much better. For example, four cascade soft shadows with covering 300 units in front of the camera look like picture below. It's somewhat worse than the picture at the top of this page, but not very bad either for a 6x increase in shadowing distance (of course in this scene that high shadow distance does not make much sense).  与级联的距离伸缩更好的阴影地图。例如,在覆盖300个单位的4级联柔阴影在摄像机前面看起来像下面的图像。这有点不如在此页顶部图片,但不是非常糟糕,在阴影的距离增加6倍(当然,在这个场景里,高阴影距离并没有多大意义)。


Soft shadows with distance of 300 and four cascades. 300距离的软阴影和4个级联

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